Release your
inner thoughts
This won't make sense, and it shouldn't. It's nothing but thoughts. Put a name on it
they said. So I did. I listened to them. I listened to it. It's a worm. No it's a snake.
- are you stupid fucker? It's life! Okey I overreacted, didn't I? Did I or do I? I do it
all the time. I get crazy, I get fucked up, I scream and I loose control. Put a name
on it they said. So I did. Can't you read? I said I was crazy. No. I am crazy, it's a
word. It's a name. It's a disease. Oh, diseases. You put a name on it again. I know
I did cause' they told me to. Fuck them. Yes, I want to. It's nothing. It's nothing I
want to put a name on. Then why do you? Cause they told me to. Don't do as you
are fucking told. Walk the line. Do as J. Cash. I'd love to. Fucking names everywhere.
I hate names. Get it? Those kind of names. Those diseases. If it weren't for names
I wouldn't be here. I'd be on top of the world drinking Margaritas. Fuck names. Imma
get my Margaritas. Trust me.
